Hitting Rock Bottom|Wherein it is discovered that there are problems that can't be solved with Fireball. (20:27:56) Bryce : hi (20:28:01) habnabitmkiii: Hi. (20:28:07) Bryce : what's up? (20:28:27) habnabitmkiii: Nothing at the moment. (20:29:22) Bryce : We moved our RPG to a new time... sadly though, after a string of excellent sessions, we hit pretty near rock bottom today. \Captain Idiot\Josh\ was his usual self, but he wasn't the provocateur of today's worse chaos. The party broke out into civil war. (20:30:19) habnabitmkiii: Oh, nice. (20:30:58) Bryce : This also happened in a previous session, but was for well-defined plot reasons (YOU BETRAYED US TO [the bad guys]? DIE!!) this time though it was somewhat arbitrary and wasted time, besides throwing off the side quest I had planned. (Well, sort of planned.) Remember the bounty hunter who desecrated fox people and got killed by them largely because of this? (20:33:42) habnabitmkiii: Yes. (20:33:58) Bryce : okay. anyway, this bounty hunter's player's new character turned up. First thing he did was ROB A SHOP. He goes in, looks at a sword, discovers he hasn't enough money to pay for it, and kills the shopkeeper. (with the sword, ironic) Another new player character sees this happen, and promptly attempts to avenge the death of his uncle the shopkeeper. He does this with a psionic power called Flaming Death, which is rather like a fireball type effect. So, in addition to roasting the robber, he also sets the shop on fire and fries another new player character that was also in the shop but hadn't yet been introduced to the party. Opps. Of course his already-dead uncle was roasted too... I guess he didn't exactly think this through to the end. But then he did it again to finish them off. (20:37:10) habnabitmkiii: Hahaha. (20:37:37) Bryce : And then twice more, a bit later, after the robber showed signs of recovering. Then he was out of psi points, thank goodness. sigh. So anyway there was also some stabbing and shooting between party members for various reasons. One character was killed by his player's little sister's character. \(I think she may be psychologically damaged now; she's\\ \just drawing pictures of decapitated wookies to illustrate the game...)\\ (20:39:52) habnabitmkiii: Hah! She's 8? (20:40:13) Bryce : 8 or 9 I think. In the previous session, the PC who betrayed the others was killed, and \Captain Idiot\Josh\'s latest character looted the body and stole his holy book. (The betrayer was the preacher; suffice it to say he decided that the party was a band of murderous theives and that he couldn't conscience being with them any longer. He erred though and thought the bad guys were the legitimate authorites to which he should surrender. Opps.) Anyway, \Captain Idiot\Josh\ still had the Holy Book on him as he went through customs. He learned two things: (1) This planet has a totalitarian government; (2) That religion is illegal here. (20:43:34) habnabitmkiii: Bahahaha. (20:44:34) Bryce : The customs officals took him back and searched him. They didn't speak the same language so he also had to deal with an interpreter with a tenuous grasp of his language, which did not help. He ended up confessing to killing various people when asked why he had so many ID cards. (He had been collecting them off of bodies for some reason...) So, as you can imagine, they arrested him. Or rather they tried to. The customs officers were gnomes, so he kicked their butts. Until the ones with guns showed up. So, that was about it. He'll find out next session if he lived...