Bryce Schroeder's Web Page

6 Words You don't Want to Hear the GM Say

"But don't bother writing that down..."

Bryce : hi

habnabitmkiii : Hiya.

Bryce : Well, we had the game yesterday. It was fun...

habnabitmkiii : Did anything interesting happen?

Bryce : Josh will never again put my possessions in his nose. Or there will be consequences.

habnabitmkiii : Hah!

Bryce : Anyway I thought that horrible moment was behind me, but somehow the affected writing instrument migrated to my side of the table... and I came this close to touching it. (Before realizing (to the amusement of others) which pen it was.)

Oh, it is important to note that this nasal unpleasantness happened very shortly after the game started, so it kinda set the tone for GM-Josh relations. I had hoped that my gift of a Wacom tablet I wasn't using would set the tone, but I forgot that his memory is shorter than that and the graphics tablet obviously didn't remain on the table.

Anyway, on less unpleasant topics, the game itself...

Bryce : So. The game begins with the party split into three groups. Space Gnome had been knocked unconscious in the last session ("I'm probably dead" <- pessimistic much?), Biptetk (the captain) was looking for her and Josh, and Josh had been abducted by a crazy cyborg girl.

Did I tell you about that session?

habnabitmkiii : Yes.

Bryce : Good. So, we started with Biptetk. His first concern is his shipmates. Yes. So he started looking for them. He eventually realized that Link (Josh's character) was not on the space station anymore, and went to save Space Gnome.

Space Gnome, meanwhile, woke up to find herself in the slave shop, where the unscrupulous gnome who had witnessed her going unconscious had sold her (and the surgeon).

Mind you, the Imperials are about ten minutes away at this point. So things are getting rushed. Eventually, Biptetk determines (I forget how) that Space Gnome can handle things on her own (which she did, eventually) and leaves without either of them at the insistence of the NPCs on the party's ship, who very much would like to avoid meeting the Imperials.

Meanwhile... in Link's (Josh's) thread:

Link barely notices the signs that the ship he is on is about to be taken over by Vulpinian Resistance fighters. He even noticed one of them lurking in ambush and just decided to pretend he didn't notice, and go take a nap. (While Crazy Cyborg Girl was occupied in another room.)

When he woke up, the ship was having its ownership changed violently. He quarreled with Vulpinians over loot from the corpses of the previous crew, but didn't get involved much apart from that.

Then he went back to sleep for a while.

Then things got more... interesting. After he woke up, he caught some Vulpinians laughing at him. This made him angry, so he threatened them with his swords. They admitted that they were mocking his status as "Pointy-death Girl's concubine."

So, he decided to rob them. (?)

Then, he maimed them, partly by mistake.

habnabitmkiii : Hah.

Bryce : But then, deliberately, he finished them off.

Then, ouch, he gets hit by a dart. He looks up, and sees a Vulpinian with a dart gun down the hall, obviously having just witnessed what happened.

So, Josh asks: "Can I use my telekinesis to crush him?"

Me: "Well... possibly. What level is it?"

Josh: "Level 10."

Me: "No. You could hurt him with it, but --"

Josh: "I want to squish him like a bug!"

Me: "Umm... You'd need a higher level."

(Josh Spends all his accumulated XP on more telekinesis skill)

Josh: "How about now?"

Me: "I suppose so. You actually want to do that though?"

Josh: "Yes!"

Me: "Okay..." "You squish the Vulpinian with your telekinesis. It's quite disgusting to look at and you gain... 26 insanity points."

"But don't bother writing that down."

"... Because the poison was deadly. You die."

habnabitmkiii : Hahah.

Is he still on the same character who has homicidal urges? I guess not either way!

Bryce : That was two characters ago. This one apparently had them too, but not as the result of random advantages abuse.

Heh... so, that was the deserved end of Link.

habnabitmkiii : Ah.

Bryce : Space Gnome, through her powers of awesomeness, managed to escape the slave shop with rather less trouble than I thought, and (with the surgeon) left the station - after tracking down the gnome that had done this to her and killing him.

While looting his dwelling, Space Gnome found a mighty artifact.

And I learned a lesson: don't wing it for making up artifacts. Because now Space Gnome has an Psionically imprinted Plunger.

habnabitmkiii : Hahaha.

Bryce : I blame Josh... the nasal unpleasantness threw off my game...

So, the party's surviving members are all headed to the same place now, which works out nicely. After the game proper, Space Gnome and I stayed to help Josh make a new character.

CONTINUED : The Origin Story
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