The TunnelHack Guide: Map
  1. Map
  2. Layout


This section describes the layout of the game's map. See Special Rooms for
information about specific rooms or kinds of rooms.

Map: Layout

The tunnel complex is randomly generated, but always follows a basic layout:
four "major tunnels" radiate outward from a central boiler room, each major
tunnel terminating in one of four special nodes. The direction of the tunnels
can be obscured by the fact that they are not straight and indeed can double
back and loop around - it may not be clear which is which (apart from the
northern wing) until you reach the boiler room, if then.
The northern tunnel terminates in the entrance, where you start your new game.
Unlike the other tunnels, the monsters are easier closer to the terminal node,
and harder towards the beginning. (For obvious reasons).
The southern tunnel terminates in the
Evil Laboratory of the
Mad Lab Tech Zeius.
She is always generated in that room, asleep and carrying your artifact.
The western tunnel terminates with the Programmer's Tower, where a programmer
will always be generated.
The eastern tunnel ends in the Champion's Hall, which (unsuprisingly) contains
a guaranteed Champion (named Seijik, after a player character who reached XP
Level 104 on an early version of Tunnel Hack: although Leveling was linear at
the time, this was still considered very impressive) with good items.
Random Special Rooms are interspersed throughout the maze.
One random dead end in the maze will be selected and replaced with the
entrance to Wonka's chocolate mine. This can be in any branch.