RPG Stories

These are chat logs of my conversations with ferazel09 regarding the joys and tribulations of the table-top RPG my friends and I play. Names have been truncated to protect the parties involved, also the order is not always chronological.

Ewok Nazis, or, The Premise of the Game Explained.
Half the Party Dies, or, the Best Session Ever.
(Guest GM) Perils of Paranoia, or, a Matter of $100 Causes a Total Party Kill.
Hitting Rock Bottom, or, There are problems that can't be solved with Fireball.
(Guest GM) Raising the Bar for Monty Haul, or, How to Become Emperor of Known Space in Two Sessions
Space Ship go Boom Boom, or What to do when the Party has too much Awesome Stuff.
(Guest GM) Captain Idiot: GM, The Horror, the Horror
The Hummingbird of Death, or Why Unmarked Stasis Crates Should not be Messed With.
I've Come to Avenge my Family (1), or Why Disturbing Past is a bad disadvantage to Min-Max With.
I've Come to Avenge my Family (2), or Why "I poke it with a stick" is not always the right thing.
Gnomes: The Fount of Awesome or The Joy of "Haste Level 21".